Joanna Mills


Massage Therapist

About Joanna

Joanna is a Licensed Massage Therapist and a proud graduate of Washington Spa Academy, previously known as Bellevue Massage School. Her journey to becoming a skilled practitioner has been enriched by a diverse background that includes training in physical theatre, theatre for young audiences, and martial arts. These unique experiences have profoundly influenced her approach to therapeutic bodywork and ignited her passion for holistic health.


Joanna's massage style is a beautiful fusion of various techniques, continually evolving to best serve her clients' individual needs. Currently, she seamlessly weaves together the soothing elements of Swedish Massage with the therapeutic benefits of Gymnastics, Trigger Point therapy, and Deep Tissue massage. Every stroke and touch is thoughtfully tailored to address your specific concerns and deliver a truly transformative experience.

Outside the massage room, you'll find Joanna embarking on exciting and daring adventures. Off the clock, she enjoys the exhilarating challenge of attempting to roll backward on her quad skates, seeking thrills and pushing her boundaries. This fearless spirit translates into her approach to massage, where she fearlessly explores new techniques and innovations to elevate the healing experience for her clients.

Joanna's passion for holistic health and her commitment to continual growth in her practice make her a remarkable and compassionate healer. With every session, she creates a safe and welcoming environment where clients can unwind, release tension, and rediscover a harmonious state of being.

If you're seeking a massage experience that is tailored to your unique needs and leaves you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized, Joanna's skilled hands and genuine care are at your service. Book a session with her today and embark on a transformative wellness journey, guided by her expertise and passion for holistic healing.

Integrative Medicine

Start Your Journey

We focus on your health as a whole through clinical treatment and advanced home care advice to keep you as healthy as possible. It is our goal to meet your health needs and we will strive to attain that goal to the best of our ability.