Lisa Lunsford


Massage Therapist

About Lisa

Lisa (They/She) is a gifted and radiant massage therapist whose sunny and warm energy creates an atmosphere of pure relaxation and rejuvenation in every session. With an intuitive flow that seems to effortlessly tune into your body's needs, Lisa ensures that you'll leave each session feeling completely revitalized.


Specializing in the art of Swedish relaxation massage, Lisa's technique is nothing short of exquisite. Her sweeping and engaged strokes work their magic on muscles and fascia, gently dissolving tensions and stress, leaving you feeling profoundly at ease and restored.


Beyond her mastery of Swedish massage, Lisa brings a holistic approach to her practice, which is deeply influenced by her certifications in yoga, reiki, and life coaching. This unique blend of expertise allows her to see the interconnectedness of every aspect of your being, from the physical to the emotional and spiritual.

For Lisa, massage is not just about working on the surface; it's about delving into the underlying layers of tension and helping you find profound inner tranquility. As she applies her intuitive touch, you'll experience a sense of profound connection between your body, heart, and mind, as they begin to harmonize and find balance.

With Lisa as your guide, you'll embark on a journey that extends far beyond the massage table where she provides valuable insights and support, helping you nurture personal growth and empowerment in your everyday life. Book a session with Lisa today and experience the healing touch of her intuitive flow, where relaxation, rejuvenation, and peace converge to create a truly transformative experience.

Integrative Medicine

Start Your Journey

We focus on your health as a whole through clinical treatment and advanced home care advice to keep you as healthy as possible. It is our goal to meet your health needs and we will strive to attain that goal to the best of our ability.